Common Questions


How much does it cost to train at Fernie Fitness?

The cost is determined by your goals, motivation, sessions per week and budget.

How long are the workouts?

Training sessions are 60 minutes.

What is the design of your programs?

In short, we train you according to what your actual goals are and what you’re qualified to do. We ARE NOT a bootcamp. We DO NOT train everyone the same. For more detailed info, contact us at 250-531-1004

Is there anything I need to bring?

Just clothing that you’ll be comfortable training in, and water if you’d like.

Can I train anytime?

Training sessions are by appointment only.

If I have/had an injury or limitation, can I still train?

That depends on the severity of the injury and what you have injured. We’ve been rehabbing people for years, but calling us to get more information from you would be wise. 250-531-1004.

What is your availability?

We typically work from 6AM to 8PM Monday thru Friday (we do make exceptions). We are by appointment only. Call us to setup a free consult and for up to date info regarding availability 250-531-1004.